Dante: Inferno to Paradise –Film Review

If you love literature (as I do) or are a history buff (that would be my husband), you might enjoy this PBS documentary directed by Ric Burns. It covers a lot of ground — the personal history of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), some background about what was going on in the world and the church at that time, and a deep dive into The Divine Comedy, which some people have called the greatest single work ever created in the history of Western literature. Dante wrote in the Italian vernacular instead of Latin, which greatly influenced the course of literary development. In addition, he wrote in a personal style, unusual for the time.

The program is divided into two segments, each two hours long. The first is titled, Lucifer’s Fall and the Geography of Hell; the second, The Terza Rima and the Structure of the Divine Comedy. Both include interviews with different scholars and historians.

VERDICT: 4 STARS. Well done and thorough without being overly academic.

For more film reviews see these posts:

Billy Graham–Film Review

The Black Church–This is Our Story This is Our Song–Film Review

In the Footsteps of St. Peter — Film Review

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About jculler1972

My husband is the retired pastor of St. Paul's Free Lutheran Church in Leitersburg, Maryland. I have two grown daughters, three grandchildren and am retired after a career in Purchasing. I have published articles in The Lutheran Ambassador, Lutheran Witness, and Lutheran Digest. My Bible study on the Book of Acts was published in 2016 by the Women's Missionary Federation of the AFLC(Association of Free Lutheran Churches).

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