Confirmation Essay #3

This is a final confirmation essay, written by one of the confirmands at the church where my husband is currently serving as an interim pastor.

Confirmation Verse

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.” 2 Peter 3:18

When I was younger, I wasn’t always deeply involved in activities related to my religion. So, when my dad asked if I wanted to join the Confirmation class, I felt both scared and excited about reconnecting with the Lutheran community and learning about my faith. Throughout the confirmation classes, I’ve learned significant aspects such as the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Parting of the Red Sea, and more specially during church camp.

For me, being confirmed signifies the strength of my relationship with God. It means I’m committed to taking my faith more seriously, and it’s a personal decision no one can dispute. The term “confirmation” originates from the Latin word, “Confirmare,” meaning “to strengthen. Starting confirmation marked the beginning of incorporating what I learned in the church into my life. The Ten Commandments, in particular, significantly influenced my behavior. If I witnessed someone breaking one at school, I felt a need to say something.

As a Confirmand, I’ve been told that being confirmed will signify my maturity in the church. After Confirmation I intend to read the entire Bible by myself, contribute to charitable causes to help those in need, pray to God regularly, and make it a habit to pray before meals and other occasions.

For more essays by young people see these posts:

Katelyn’s Question #4

Katelyn’s Question #5

Katelyn’s Question #6

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