AFLC Fundamental Principal #5

In our continuing look at the Fundamental Principles which guid our AFLC we move now to the 5th of the 12 principles:

The Congregation directs its own affairs subject to the Word and Spirit of God and acknowledges no other ecclesiastical authority or government over itself.

After the first principle (According to the Word of God, the congregation is the right form of the Kingdom of God on earth) this may be the most important of the twelve. The local congregation is free and autonomous, subject only to God. Of course, this does not mean we can do whatever we want, but we are constrained by the inerrant and infallible Word found in Scripture which is itself inspired by the Holy Spirit.

According to the New Testament the local congregation is a free fellowship according to two Biblical truths. In 2 Corinthians we find that “where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom.” The congregation is free by its identity as the bride of Christ. (See Romans 7:1-6 and Galatians 4:21-51which ends with “For freedom Christ has set us free.)

If the congregation is a living congregation it is free in two ways. First, it is free from bondage to sin and worldliness. Second, the congregation is free of human authority and is subject only to God. This does not mean only free from control without itself, but also from control within. There have been many instances where the congregation becomes enslaved to the demands of pastors or lay leaders who demand that they are in charge of all things done there. If this is done by a pastor they have abandoned their role as a servant to the congregation and become instead a dictator. If done by lay leader(s) they have established themselves as an oligarchy. Both situations are contrary to Biblical teaching.

For more information about the AFLC Principles, see these posts:

Fundamental Principles of the AFLC, part 1

AFLC Fundamental Principle #2

AFLC Fundamental Principle #3

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