resuscitating evangelism by Jordan Easley and Ernest Easley–Book Review

Sometimes we feel guilty because we are, and this book will make many readers feel deservedly guilty (I include myself here).  We all know that as Christians, the Great Commission tells us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”(Mark 6:15).  But here’s the question:  when was the last time you shared your faith with someone? Be honest. If you can’t remember, you’re not doing your job as a faithful follower of Christ.

The authors walk us through the reasons we avoid evangelizing:

  • Apathy (I don’t really care)
  • Apprehension ( I’m afraid)
  • Abdication (it’s not my responsibility)
  • Inadequacy (I don’t know enough)

While stressing that evangelism is not the responsibility of the pastor or staff alone, the authors believe it is necessary for the leaders of the congregation to create an atmosphere that expects and values evangelism.  This can be done through careful planning, so that there are regular, consistent (weekly, monthly, yearly) evangelism events.  Some should be training, others reaching out into the community.  Most churches have a preference (perhaps due to the giftedness of their pastor) for either discipleship or evangelism.  Actually, both are needed for the congregation to remain healthy and growing.

Every church can evangelize. Good suggestions were included for those who want to change their church culture.  This is not something that will happen quickly, but requires attention and effort over the long term.

Overall this book was biblically based and helpful.  Take note that the authors are Southern Baptists, so some of their suggestions, for example the “invitation” at the end of the service, simply could not be used by Lutherans because of our theological differences.

VERDICT:  4 Stars.  It was easy to read, and most will find some practical ideas for increasing evangelistic activity in their church.

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The Lutheran Ladies received a free copy of this book in return for a fair and honest review.  Disclaimer pursuant to FTC 16 CFR part 255.