5000 Blankets — Movie Review

After experiencing a mental health breakdown, Bobby Saunders disappears. His wife, Cyndi and son, Phillip, are devastated. As Cyndi searches for her husband among the homeless population, she comes to see them as individuals who deserve help and recognition. Together she and her son decide to collect 5000 blankets — enough to give every homeless person in the city. Despite setbacks, they create a ministry called Phillip’s Wish, which is still serving the homeless today.

Based on a true story, this film realistically illustrates how one person can inspire and motivate others, and how, in helping others, we heal ourselves. It is rated PG-13 because some scenes dealing with mental health issues may be frightening and inappropriate for young children.


For more movie reviews see these posts:

The Most Reluctant Convert — Movie Review

I Still Believe–Movie Review

Silence — Movie Review

2 thoughts on “5000 Blankets — Movie Review

  1. Pingback: In the Footsteps of St. Peter — Film Review | Lutheran Ladies Connection

  2. Pingback: Hiding in Plain Sight — Film Review | Lutheran Ladies Connection

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