How to Pray for Your Pastor

A while back I posted about A Neglected Tradition, praying for your pastor. Here is some advice about how to do this, from Robert Murray McCheyne(21 May 1813 – 25 March 1843), a minister in the church of Scotland.

“Pray for your pastor. Pray for his body, that he may be kept strong and spared for many years. Pray for his soul, that he may be kept humble and holy, a burning and shining light. Pray for his ministry, that it may be abundantly blessed, that he may be anointed to preach good tidings. Let there be no secret prayer without naming him before your God, no family prayer without carrying your pastor in your hearts to God.”

For more about prayer see these posts:

Persevering in Prayer

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence– Book Review

The Essence of Prayer

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About jculler1972

My husband is the retired pastor of St. Paul's Free Lutheran Church in Leitersburg, Maryland. I have two grown daughters, three grandchildren and am retired after a career in Purchasing. I have published articles in The Lutheran Ambassador, Lutheran Witness, and Lutheran Digest. My Bible study on the Book of Acts was published in 2016 by the Women's Missionary Federation of the AFLC(Association of Free Lutheran Churches).

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