John Wooden: They Called Him Coach — Film Review

John Robert Wooden (October 14, 1910 – June 4, 2010) was a well-known basketball coach. During his career, he won ten National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) national championships in a 12-year period as head coach for the UCLA Bruins, including a record seven in a row. More importantly, Wooden was a faithful Christian. His players recall that he valued teamwork and sportsmanship, never cursed, and taught them that doing your best was more important than winning. Several interviewed in the documentary believe he taught them how to live as Christian, not through preaching, but through the humble example of his own life.

In addition, the film delves into his personal life. It includes interviews with his daughter, who describes the happy marriage and family life that left her with a legacy of love.

Wooden could be humorous and loved to create poems. One that you’ve probably read is “The Cross in My Pocket.” John was given a small cross by his pastor which he always carried with him as a reminder of His Savior.

VERDICT: 4 STARS. A fine tribute to a faithful life.

For more documentary films see these posts:

In the Footsteps of St. Peter — Film Review

Faith in the Big House–Film Review

Walking the Bible–Film Review

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