Attributes of the Holy Spirit

In our weekday Bible study, we’ve been talking about the work of the Holy Spirit. Much of the material is based on a book I reviewed previously, The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by Fred Sanders — Book Review. Last week we reviewed some of the attributes of the Spirit.

  1. Infinite condescension. Anytime God works in our lives he is condescending to us. This brings forth faith, keeps us in faith and sustains us. As we read is Psalm 113:4-6:

The Lord is exalted over all the nations,
    his glory above the heavens.
 Who is like the Lord our God,
    the One who sits enthroned on high,
 who stoops down to look
    on the heavens and the earth?

2. Unspeakable love. The love of the Holy Spirit is agape love, eternal love, shared from the Spirit for our sanctification. He receives nothing for this love, because we have nothing to give.

3. Infinitely powerful. Each part of the trinity can do all that God can do. The church is a special interest to the Spirit as the Body of Christ. Only the Spirit can lead us to the peace that passes all understanding.

4. Unchangeable. His is our comforter forever, the comforter of all the people of God for all time.

You may have noticed that these attributes are the same qualities that we ascribe to God. That’s because the Holy Spirit is God! Each part of the trinity is equal, and each possesses all the attributes of God.

For more about the Holy Spirit see these posts:

A Hymn about the Holy Spirit

Some Quotes about the Work of the Holy Spirit

Rules for Thinking Correctly about the Holy Spirit

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