Be Kind

“The point of being kind with those with whom we disagree is not to be respected or befriended. This may never happen. Nor is the point of kindness to avoid either ruffling feathers or feeling awkward, which is cowardly ‘niceness.’ The point of kindness is to represent Jesus. Being kind to those with whom we disagree helps bring Christ to the center of the situation. Being kind is how Jesus acts. When we walk that way, we reflect and honor him, and it opens doors for what we say about him and the gospel.”

Barry Corey, author of Love Kindness

This quote reminded me of another book I read recently, A New and Ancient Evangelism by Judith Paulsen — Book Review. In it the author said every Christian should be a “lived apologetic.” When we are kind, those who are seeking will feel comfortable enough to ask their questions, and our behavior models Christ. As the apostle Paul writes to the Corinthian church:

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us….”1 Corinthians 5:20.

So be kind. In today’s world that will make you stand out. And remember, you may be the only Bible some people ever read!

For more about kindness see these posts:

What is Kindness?

Deep Kindness by Houston Kraft–Book Review

Lovingkindness by William R. Miller–Book Review

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