Ordinary Angels — Movie Review

This film is based on the true story of Sharon, a hair stylist in Kentucky, struggling with alcohol addiction. A friend persuades her to attend an AA meeting where she is told to “find a purpose greater than yourself.” Shortly afterwards, she hears the story of a young widower whose daughter needs a liver transplant. Sharon throws herself into fundraising to cover medical costs and also helping this family in any way she can.

In the ending scenes, a liver becomes available in the nick of time. However, it arrives during a terrible snowstorm. Closed roads and whiteout conditions make it seemingly impossible to get Michelle to the hospital. Even the airport is closed, but Sharon is determined to save this little girls’ life. Through the efforts of many people, a helicopter is procured, and neighbors and friends clear the church parking lot so it can land.

At the end of the film, you learn “the rest of the story.” Michelle lives, grows up and marries. Sharon remains a good friend to the family.

VERDICT: 3 STARS. An inspiring, feel-good story. The family portrayed is Christian, but Christian themes were not really emphasized.

For more film reviews see these posts:

Small Group–Movie Review

The Jesus Film and The Story of Jesus for Children — Film Review

Show Me the Father–Movie Review

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