Making the Most of Time

If you read through Chapter 5 of Ephesians, you’ll get some advice about spending time.

  1. Be imitators of God;  walk in love and sacrifice yourself for others
  2. Stay away from immorality of all kinds (this includes silly talk, covetousness ,impurity and drunkenness, not just the “big” sins)
  3. Give thanks to God for everything. Praise Him with music.
  4. Don’t be deceived by false teaching, or associate with those who are.  Look to Christ for the truth about things
  5. Be filled with the Holy Spirit

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of the time because the days are evil.  Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”  Ephesians 5:15

If we’ve studied the Bible, learned from Christian teachers and pastors, we really have no excuse for wasting our time.  We know what it is to serve God;  we know certain things are His will, and others are clearly not.  Often we just choose to do something else. Often we tell ourselves, everyone does it, it can’t be so bad. We think there will be plenty of time to repent and  make things right with God.  Sadly this is not always the case.  And the further we walk away from God, the harder it is to come back.

The best advice for spending time?  You hear it every Sunday at the end of the service:

Go in peace, serve the Lord! 

If you do this, you can be part of God’s redemption story.  What better way to use your time?


1 thought on “Making the Most of Time

  1. Pingback: My reading list for June 4-10, 2017 | Clay on the Wheel

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