
My little great-grandson is almost two and he has a favorite word — Wow! If you take a walk with him, he uses this word constantly. Hear a bird chirp — Wow! See a pretty flower — Wow! Find a bench to sit on — Wow! For Easton the world is filled with wonderful and amazing things. He is constantly surprised and grateful for the world and everything in it. But shouldn’t each of us feel the same way?

What if I woke up in the morning thinking, God, you’ve gifted me with a life companion, and we’ve been together for 52 years — Wow! God, thank you for a safe place to live and for meeting my basic needs– Wow! God, I’m so grateful to have a church family and friends who care for me — Wow! Isn’t it wonderful that I am healthy enough to serve You and others — Wow! If I remind myself to cultivate this childlike joy and fascination with the things God has done, my life would be happier and my relationship with God will grow by leaps and bounds.

“To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us — and He has given us everything. Every breath we draw is a gift of His love, every moment of existence is a grace, for it brings with it immense graces from Him.” –Thomas Merton


For more posts about gratitude see:

Practicing Gratitude

Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Giving Thanks

Let Thanksgiving Lead to Action

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