In the Footsteps of St. Peter — Film Review

What Christian doesn’t identify with the apostle Peter at times? His faith, his doubt, his fear, his tempestuousness are all well documented in the Bible. This film will help you visualize the biblical account of Peter’s life and travels.

This two-part documentary is narrated by the actor David Sucher (known for his role as Poirot in the PBS series). Sucher travels from Peter’s birthplace in Galilee to Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, and other locations mentioned in the Bible. Along the way he interviews historians, religious teachers and students, professors, and others who can shed light on the environment in which Peter lived and worked. You will see examples of the fishing boat he may have used, the type of knife he probably carried, the courtyard where he denied Christ, the sort of tomb Nicodemus provided for Jesus. Both Christians and Jews are consulted. It covers his time with Jesus, and also his post-resurrection life as a leader in the new Christian church.

Some of the information provided can be substantiated in the Bible and other sources, but some is drawn from church tradition and legends. For example, we do not know exactly when or how Peter died. According to my husband, a pastor, in some cases the chronology was incorrect. It is also, in the main, a presentation of the historical Jesus, a man who worked for a new ideal of justice and equity for all people. It does discuss the resurrection, but no mention is made of Jesus, a savior, whose death was a sacrifice for our sins.


For reviews of other Christian films see:

Harriet–Movie Review

Jesus Revolution — Movie Review

5000 Blankets — Movie Review